Danielle Halperin
Creative Alchemist
Danielle, Halloween enthusiast and designer of all things, is our brand strategy and marketing expert. She executes strategic global integrated marketing programs resulting in increased demand generation and overall company revenue with tracked marketing contribution.
Janene Machado, CMP, DES
Thinkcurity Overlord
Janene, lover of all things history, is our most creative and versatile Events Producer with a passion for enhancing customer and client experiences. She is highly skilled in business events management, which pairs well with her wide-ranging experience as a digital event strategist.
James Sarris
Factotum Unicorn
James, AKA Jack of all trades,  is our behind-the-scenes Digital Marketing Magician who strategizes, monitors, and optimizes our marketing initiatives to increase lead generation. He also professionally produces music along with some additional marketing projects in the music industry.

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