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Creating a Positive Company Culture

Written by Thinkcurity Articles | 6/2/22 1:00 PM

The success of every security business begins from within. If you want to build your security business, you need to focus on those who comprise your workforce — your security professionals.  

Having your security staff perform at their peak potential means more than tweaking their training and hiring only the cream of the crop. You need to develop a positive company culture that motivates security professionals.  

By creating a supportive working environment, you can optimize workflows, leading to better performance that clients will notice. Besides this, being one of the best security companies to work for makes your security company attractive to prospective security professionals.  

These are just some of the benefits of creating a company culture that retains and motivates security staff. However, it is not always easy to determine where to start.  

If you want to create a positive culture within your security company, we recommend you read this article to learn actionable tips you can apply to your business. 

Enforce an Open-Door Policy 

The first step towards promoting a positive work culture begins with opening communication channels between you and your security professionals. What better way to do this than with an open-door policy?  

According to Forbes, having an open door sends a message of openness to your employees. By being willing to entertain interactions from your staff, you position yourself as more than a boss. You become an employer who desires a positive relationship with employees.  

This openness to communication can have a ripple effect throughout your company. With open communication in your company's DNA, transparency and constructive interaction become the norm for everyone in your company.  

Make Employee Wellness a Priority 

Your security professionals are more than well-trained individuals who fit their job description. They are human beings whose day-to-day function results from biological and mental processes.  

The peak performance of your staff is mainly dependent on their wellness. For this reason, employee wellness needs to rank high on your priority list, according to Forbes 

Promoting wellness in your security company speaks volumes about where your employees' health fits your corporate culture. With the proper infrastructure, benefits, and scheduling, your employees can perform at their peak, using minimal sick days.  

Health insurance for your security company may be pricey at a glance. Nonetheless, it will be appreciated and desired in an industry with a moderately high injury ratio.   

Show Your Employees the Big Picture Through Your Mission and Vision Statement 

Mission and vision statements aren't just high-brow statements of what your company does. They are supposed to be statements of how your company contributes to the greater good. The greater good is fundamental to fostering job satisfaction.  

According to the Forbes article mentioned above, doing this does more than direct action and guide company policies. It promotes a sense of meaning. Seeing how security services contribute to the good of the community, your security professionals will experience a heightened sense of urgency in what they do. Later on, this sense of urgency turns into a genuine desire to do well in their designations.  

Showing your employees what they bring to the community will enable them to take pride in their jobs. The sense of pride can create a snowball effect that leads to better performance as time goes by.  

Make Sure Your Behavior is in Line with Your Desired Company Culture  

It's not enough to have a mission statement that employees can live by, though — this needs to carry through the leadership at your company as well. While perfection is impossible, employees will look up to and trust an employer far more if they are clearly trying to follow the values they claim to have.  

For example, if you're working to build a company culture based on honesty and open communication, refusing to accept accountability, or brushing off employee concerns does not contribute to this. On the other hand, adding an open-door policy and making your employees feel heard through your interactions with them will clearly show that you're making your best effort for the company's sake.  

Ultimately, this will lead to a more positive company culture where employees trust you to make the right decisions, and you can trust your employees to do what they were hired for.  

Key Takeaways 

The success of any business begins with a positive workplace culture. A positive workplace culture allows employees to communicate and coordinate openly. A workplace fueled by open communication also leads to a low-stress environment, giving your security professionals a reason to show up and stay.  

Implement the steps mentioned in this article, and you will take your security business to greater heights with your employees willfully sharing the journey.